Celebrate Your B-ody this Labor Day

Labor Day isn't just a one-day celebration; it's more than that. Fair working conditions, wages, and all the important work stuff matter, but today we also celebrate you.

Everyone has a reason to hustle day in and day out. Perhaps it's to build a brighter future for loved ones, to chase those dreams they built when they were young, or simply to become the best versions of themselves. Whatever the reason, the journey of employment is filled with highs, lows, and everything in between. With every task, you move an inch of your body, carry the weight, or run somewhere. You are the hero, and your body is your tool.

Every Hero Has His or Her Own Sidekick

To keep moving forward, you must understand the importance of rest. This Labor Day, alongside your commitment to work, it's crucial to recognize the significance of giving your bodies the care they need. Your bodies and nerves have supported you through many challenges and victories. So, take this chance to commend yourself and find ways to recharge. One way to do that is by finding a helping hand. It's time to invest in a nutrient that supports movement.

Consider Vitamin B12 as a helpful aid this Labor Day, providing a boost to both physical and mental well-being. Curious about how this vitamin works? Learn more about its benefits in this article.

You Can’t See It, But Damage is There

Just as we might seek assistance in maintaining a printer cartridge or a company computer as they age, our nerves also require maintenance as we grow older. The demands of work can put strain on our nerves, leading to discomfort or tingling sensations. Repetitive tasks like typing or using tools can exacerbate this strain, potentially resulting in conditions such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Tennis Elbow. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when the median nerve in the wrist becomes compressed, leading to weakness in the hand and fingers.2 On the other hand, Tennis Elbow is caused by repetitive use of forearm muscles, resulting in pain and weakness in the forearm and wrist.3

Think of your nervous system as nerve fibers acting like the wires that carry signals in a computer. Now, just like those wires, our nerves need insulation to keep those signals moving smoothly. This insulation is like the myelin sheath, a protective layer around the nerves.4 But over time, this insulation can wear down, just like the rubber coating on computer wires. When this happens, signals can slow down, causing problems with how our body works. That's where vitamin B12 comes in—it helps to patch up and maintain that insulation so our signals can keep zooming along without any glitches. Vitamin B12 helped nerves recover their function and increased the number of nerve fibers in a condition called acrylamide-induced peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage).5 It also encourages the regrowth of damaged nerve endings in gracile axonal dystrophy (a disorder characterized by deteriorating nerve fibers), a condition affecting nerve terminals.6

Additionally, vitamin B12 sped up the healing process of skeletal muscles (the muscles attached to bones that allow movement) after they were damaged.7 Moreover, it boosted protein metabolism in Schwann cells (specialized cells that support and insulate nerve fibers), which are crucial for nerve repair, especially in the early stages after sciatic nerve injury, potentially making it easier for nerves to grow back.8

Workers Deserve a Calm State of Mind

For employees like you, having a clear head is essential because doing some technical stuff requires a certain level of concentration. The goal is to avoid errors and stay productive. Finding ways to destress, such as meditation, exercise, or spending time with loved ones, can help recharge your energy.

However, there might be days when mental exercises won’t cut it. Need a little support system on your mentally challenging days? Vitamin B12 contributes to your quality of work life by supporting neurological function and cognitive health.

Ever wonder why some days you feel as sharp as thumbtacks, while others you struggle to concentrate? Well, vitamin B12 might just hold the answer. It's essential for neurotransmitter signaling, which is like the brain's way of sending messages between cells. This communication is key for cognitive functions like learning and memory. So, by getting enough B12, you're giving your brain the fuel it needs to stay sharp and focused, helping you tackle whatever challenges come your way.9

So, whether you're working hard or simply enjoying life's moments on your day-off, remember to give your brain the support it needs with vitamin B12.

The Right Kind of Energy for the B-usy Bee

Hey there, busy bees! We know you're buzzing around, getting things done left and right. But here's the work tea: relying on another energy drink won't keep you going for long. Nope, for you incredible go-getters, it's what's on the inside that counts!

An A+ worker deserves a raise not only in terms of salary but also in terms of Vitamin B12 supplementation. Energy, derived primarily from the food we consume, serves as the fundamental fuel for our bodies to operate efficiently, allowing us to excel in our tasks and maintain positive relationships with others. Conversely, fatigue is the antithesis of energy, affecting both mental and physical well-being.

Energy, well-being, and fatigue are interconnected concepts, and ensuring optimal nutrition is key. By raising the level of vitamin B12, we're giving workers the boost they need. Vitamin B12 is essential for converting food into energy. It helps metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which are the main sources of energy for the body.10 Plus, vitamin B12 is involved in the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy currency of cells. It supports mitochondrial function, the powerhouse of the cell, ensuring efficient energy production.11

Let's ditch the quick fixes and focus on what truly matters— your internal health. Feed your body right, catch those Z's, and make sure vitamin B12 is part of your daily routine. With your Vitamin B12 levels boosted you are ready to go. There's no stopping you. Keep buzzing even after labor day. B-e an unstoppable force of nature!

A Labor Day Gift Like No Other

Looking for the perfect gift this Labor Day? Consider giving the gift of health with Pharex B Complex! Pharex® B-Complex contains the right levels of B1 (100mg) + B6 (5mg) + B12 (50mcg) suitable for daily intake to help prevent neuropathy symptoms like ngalay, manhid and tusok-tusok.

It also helps give the body and brain the needed energy boost every day,

For your friends buy a box of 100’s (in strip foil by 10’s). Or, go extra and give them a box of 500’s (in strip foil by 10’s).

Pharexcited ang katawan at isip this Labor Day!

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.


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